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个展 Solo Exhibition
群展 Group Exhibition
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初始梦 Primordial Dream
季鑫 / 王一 / 吴凌昊 / 林枞 / 贾卉 / 大志 / 于航 / 蒋衢阳 / 孙珂 / 范桦晓 / 王超群 Ji Xin / Wang Yi / Wu Linghao / Lin Cong / JIA Hui / DAZHI / Yu Hang / Jiang Quyang / Sun Ke / Fan Huaxiao / Wang Chaoqun
未来罪行 Crimes of the Future
吴凌昊 Wu Linghao
我是你的容器 I'm your vessel
周妍 Zhou Yan
模糊的皮囊 The Blurry Skin
赵新宇 Zhao Xinyu
身无长物 Bare Necessties
田建新 Tian Jianxin
HumanScapes HumanScapes
刘婉婷 / 张海君 / 徐雅涵 / 李创李 / 林枞 / 吴凌昊 / 郑田明 / 颜达夫 / 夏瀚 / 田牧 / 陈孟涵 / 于航 Summer Group Exhibition
局部风景 Partical Scenery
蒋衢阳 Jiang Quyang
静默如谜 Silent as Mystery
邱锡鹏 Qiu Xipeng
混沌解译 Chaos Interpret
郑田明 Zheng Tianming
再靠近一点 Be Closer
王超群 Wang Chaoqun
默片 Silent Picture
刘家铭 Liu Jiaming
面纱 The Painted Veil
刘家铭 Liu Jiaming
记忆 Memories
李关帅 / 蒋小余 / 李可津 / 高英普 / 于航 / 郑田明 / 王超群 / 赵新宇 / 朱湘闽 / 张海君 / 张炜 / 朱逸舟 / 亓文章 / 张小危 / 范桦晓 / 李子麟 / 刘家铭 / 林枞
约翰娜·巴斯:肌肤与镜子 Johanna Bath: Flesh, and the Mirror
约翰娜·巴斯 Johanna Bath
王芊懿:恩底弥翁 Liioo Wang: Endymion
王芊懿 Liioo Wang
域度 Entrapped
郑田明 Zheng Tianming
柏林特快 Berlin Express
Aaajiao \李亭葳 \ 何翔宇 \ 沈翰 \ Teresa Murta \ Dennis Scholl \ Emil Urbanek \ Johanna Bath Aaajiao \ Li Tingwei \ He Xiangyu \ Shen Han \ Teresa Murta \ Dennis Scholl \ Emil Urbanek \ Johanna Bath
也女 Yet,her
贾卉 JIA Hui
浮潜 Flux Zone
高英普/杨威/饶维懿/大志/李子麟/赵新宇/颜达夫/杨熹/王玉钰/丁世伟/安多彬/吴厚挺/丽贝卡·鲁巴尔卡瓦/特蕾莎·穆尔塔/布拉姆·金斯伯根/王超群/林枞 Group Exhibition
髅骷粉红 Rouge Nihility
于航 Yu Hang
沐浴者 Bathers 06/17-07/17/2023 06/17-07/17/2023
陈维佳的作品启发于女性生命体验,以直觉引导的戏剧感将画面再构造,扰乱,打破常规性别 定义的视域,探讨注视与被注视的关系。这一系列的作品来自于对女性生命与安全感这一关系 的一种观望,提出女性身体的困扰所催化的一种绚烂的表象,反思当代女性通过吸引权威的注 意力同时挑战权威的矛盾心理。 Using a theatrical sense guided by intuition, Chen Weijia reconstructs scenes inspired by contemporary female life experience, disrupting and breaking conventional definitions of gender in the field of vision, and exploring the relationship between gazing and perception. In this series of works, the relationship between women's lives and security is examined. Observe that a gorgeous appearance is catalyzed by struggles women's bodies endure, reflecting contemporary women's psychological ambivalence with the intention of attracting and challenging authority at the same time.
离魂 Departed Soul 05/13-06/15/2023 05/13-06/15/2023
BLANKgallery 荣幸宣布将于 2023 年 5 月 13 日呈现代理艺术家张炜个展:“离魂 Departed Soul”。本次展览将集合张炜从2019年至2023年间的创作,以布面丙烯的广⻆场景作品为主线,穿插呈现运用复合媒介凸显片段叙事的作品,将张炜作品中由色彩所构成的精神力量逐步引出。展览将于5月13日(周六)下午4点开幕, 展览将持续到2023年6月15日。 BLANKgallery is pleased to announce the solo exhibition "Departed Soul" by Zhang Wei, one of our representing artists, on May 13, 2023. The exhibition will bring together Zhang Wei's works from 2019 to 2023, featuring wide-angle scenes on acrylic on canvas, interspersed with works that use composite media to highlight fragmented narratives and to draw out the spiritual power of color in Zhang Wei's works. The exhibition will open on Saturday, May 13 at 4 pm and will run until June 15, 2023.
回响 Reverberation
潘小荣/孙玥 Pan Xiao Rong/Sun Yue
向风车冲刺 Tilting at Windmills
罗京 Luo Jing
Future Future
林枞 Lin Cong
Sweet Spot 甜蜜点 Sweet Spot
Loren Erdrich/ Rosalind Howdle/ Johanna Bath/ Lily Macrae/ Zhou Yan Yu Feier/ YAYA Liang Yajie/ Liu Lu/ Clédia Fourniau Loren Erdrich/ Rosalind Howdle/ Johanna Bath/ Lily Macrae/ Zhou Yan Yu Feier/ YAYA Liang Yajie/ Liu Lu/ Clédia Fourniau
开始与结束总是惊人的相似 The end is the beginning, the beginning is the end. Sep 3 - Oct 28 2022 Sep 3 - Oct 28 2022
在我脑海里面边缘且消融的记忆,一些令我印象深刻的极为抽象的场域、痕迹、气味温度、频率之类、以及过往的情绪波动所定格的综合状态,形成了这次展览作品的创作线索。 This work series came out of a mental state that synthesized memories lingering at the mind’s peripheries, some energy fields, traces, smells, temperatures, and frequencies that impressed me yet remain extremely abstract, and some moments are frozen by mood, fluctuating, and becoming part of the past.
拂影 Brushing Shadows
蒋衢阳 Jiang Quyang
而我关心的是,作为一个感知的界面(或Drawing的方式),“皮肤”是如何直观地表象当代大众生活及其文化机体的。 What I have been interested with isthat as a medium of perception (or way of “Drawing”), how “skin” can straight forwardly represents contemporary social life and its cultural agency.
鲁明军 Lu Mingjun
感觉好不好? Feeling Good?
李亭葳 Li Tingwei
伏尔加河上的纤夫 Barge Haulers on the Volga May 27 - July 9 2017 May 27 - July 9 2017
本次展览呈现的大多数作品为谢燚近期新作,以雕塑,绘画,装置,影像等多种媒介,展现他在持续的艺术劳作中与其知识信息构架的角力,以及在当今复杂的社会环境下对其自身职业身份的思考。 the majority of the works in this exhibition will be his recently finished pieces, which embrace media such as sculpture, painting, installation and video, representing the artist’s confrontation with his personal knowledge structure in his lasting endeavour to artistic creation, as well as the artist's self- reflection upon his professional identity under the current intricate social environment.
三千尺花园 Three Thousand Inches Garden
是小波 Shi Xiaobo
爱之盛夏 Summer of love June 13 - Sept 10 2018 June 13 - Sept 10 2018
J:GALLERY携手设计共和,将呈现展览项目Summer Of Love,致敬1967年发生于洛杉矶的“爱之盛夏”,并共同探讨我们一代的城市生存法则。 J:GALLERY, in collaboration with Design Republic, will present Summer Of Love, an exhibition that pays tribute to the "Summer of Love" that took place in Los Angeles in 1967, and explores the GEN-WE (Generation We) approach to urban survival. (Generation We).
她关注在绘画进程中发现绘画与结构之间的可能,并重新思考创作过程及绘画的边界问题。 She is concerned about discovering the possibility between painting and structure in the process of painting, and rethinking the process of art creation and the boundary of painting.
何逸飞 He Yifei
老化是一个可怕的事情,尤其是当老化的是女性的时候,但是在某些特定的时刻,我们都要面对“不同的时间”这个问题。 Ageing is a terrible thing, especially when it happens to women folks, but in a certain moment, all of us have to face the problem of different times.
郭城,沈翰 Guo Cheng, Shen Han
关于博物馆的想象 The Imaginations of A Museum Feb 3 - Mar 9 2018 Feb 3 - Mar 9 2018
他们以科学恋物癖博物馆的藏品内容出发,从科学,社会,历史,心理等多重角度展开对于“博物馆”这种意识形态的想象,并呈现多元媒介的创作。 Inspired by the collections of the Museum of Science Fetish, the artists represent their imaginations of the “museum” as an ideology from multiple angles including scientific, social, historical, psychological, etc.
CONDO 上海 CONDO Shanghai July 7 - August 1 2018 July 7 - August 1 2018
3个画廊在展览中呈现的一共7个艺术家具有非常多元的背景和视角。 A total of 7 artists presented by 3 galleries in the exhibition have very diverse backgrounds and perspectives.
语言差异会产生思考与行为方式的不同,语言影响着人们对于“真实的世界”的认知,甚至实际上决定着我们的经验。 Language differences will lead to distinct ways of thinking and behaving.
刘卫、徐浩 Lau Wai,Xu Hao
蒲英玮与吉姆·汤普森建筑事务所 Pu Yingwei And Jim Thompson Architects Sept 16 - Oct 28 2017 Sept 16 - Oct 28 2017
本次展览呈现了蒲英玮持续三年的针对边缘城市的研究实践,并以法国七十年代兴起的乌托邦思潮和集体主义建筑的历史与艺术家自身的背景相重叠,同时挪用了吉姆·汤姆森这一神秘的东方文化的迷恋者作为自身的反面展开辩证的双重叙事。 This exhibition represents Pu Yingwei’s three-year practical research on edge cities; it uses the pervasive climate of utopianism and the history of collectivist architecture that flourished in France during the 70s to overlap with the artist’s personal background, it also borrows from the mysterious figure of Jim Thompson, an enthusiast of oriental culture, as the other side of the artist himself to open up a dialectical dual narration.
长长 The Endless Spring Nov 25 2017 - Jan 14 2018 Nov 25 2017 - Jan 14 2018
“长长”最早来源于艺术家钟云舒对水的印象 - 包括对现在的苏州河的印象,对过去的长江的印象,对渡江的印象,对三峡大坝的印象,对武汉,上海的客轮的印象,以及对顺流而下和逆流而上的印象。 The Endless Spring(长长)originates from the artist Tant Zhong's multiple impressions of water - including the impression of Suzhou River at present, the impression of Yangtze River in the past, and the ones of crossing rivers, the Three Gorges Dams, the passenger ships of Wuhan and Shanghai, as well as the impression of sailing co-current and counter-current.